This course introduces Business ethics and corporate governance as a modern managerial approach in business environment. It provides understanding of main theoretical concepts, as well as developing skills of identification, analysis and permission of ethical dilemmas at workplace and managing ethics in organizations. Ethics and governance form central pillar of a firm’s success and contributes enormous to the stability of any economy. History presents it clearly that absence of the two in any business institution takes the business and the economy to failure. Therefore, business management has to be cognizant of ethical issues and corporate governance principles in order to achieve corporate objectives.
Marks shall be allocated as follows: Coursework 40%; Final Exams 60%. Overall Pass Mark is 60%
By the end of this course the students will be able to do the following:
· Distinguish ethical issues from moral issues
· Appreciate relevance of the ethical considerations and proper corporate governance in a modern corporate body.
· Evaluate mechanisms, principles and structures of corporate governance.
· Describe the roles of executive/nonexecutive directors, audit committees and shareholders in upholding good corporate governance systems.
· Demonstrate total awareness of what is ethical and appropriate governance for effective business decision making that propels growth.
· Appreciate the role of directors in determining growth and profitability of the corporation.

- Teacher: Margaret Angucia